Church of St Mary the Virgin and St Mary Magdalen Parish Office: Diana Sharp Email: Address: The Parish Office St Marys' Church Church Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Telephone:01666 500088 Opening Hours: Tuesday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
01666 adults and young people with drug and alcohol addictions, as well as mental health issues
020 7251 5860EmailWebsiteFree, confidential, national helpline for older people and their families, friends, carers and professionals to provide information and support. Will assist on all issues for the over 50s.
0800 055 6112EmailWebsiteGloucestershire Breastfeeding Supporters' Network-reassurance and support for mums that are preparing to breastfeed as well as nursing mothers
01285 650523EmailWebsiteSupports anyone in need when crisis strikes. Support includes providing a wheelchair, help to live independently, support for refugees/asylum seekers, support with money problems or isolation, and help in emergencies/crises (e.g. extreme weather, terrorist alerts)
1235552665EmailWebsiteOffers help to those who are facing family difficulties, including advice for parents, about marriage and for those who are bereaved Office opening hours: Monday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Tuesday–Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
029 2081 0800EmailWebsitechange your direction, grow as a person and live life to its full potential….help with challenges including drugs, alcohol, housing ,domestic abuse, mental health
01452 223014EmailWebsiteStroud & Cirencester Offices Monday – Thursday 10.00 – 16.00 by appointment only
0808 800 0511EmailWebsiteMeet alternate Mondays 7-9pm Club 77 is available to any person over seventeen with a permanent disability, living within eight miles of Tetbury. Evening activities include crafts and cooking with occasional outings. Please contact for more information regarding days and times.
EmailWebsiteCommunity Connexions is a Gloucestershire based community transport charity providing accessible and affordable transport to people who would otherwise be unable to access it due to physical or mental reasons, or rural or social isolation. Join our volunteer driving team and help people struggling in your community get where they need to go. If you have got a current driving licence, a car that is taxed, insured and MOT’d and time to make a difference to someone's day please contact us
0345 680 5029EmailWebsiteSocial Prescribers offer one-to-one support for individuals over the age of 16 in Cotswold District, they have a wealth of experience and local knowledge to draw upon.
01452 528491EmailWebsiteSupport with coping strategies for life's challenges such as the death, divorce, trauma, childhood issues, etc. Fees involved per session
01285 885830EmailWebsiteGloucestershire Dad Matters- to help all dads have the best possible relationships with their families, including online antenatal groups, dad chats
01453 821340EmailWebsiteProvides specialist counselling services to young victims of crime The office is staffed between 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays. If we are engaged on another line or busy, you will be able to leave a message along with your contact details so we can get back to you
0345 60 999 60EmailWebsiteHelps people make positive choices about sexual health & wellbeing through support, advice and education
0207 608 5240EmailWebsiteThe Tetbury Feoffees were first appointed in 1633, as lords of the manor of Tetbury in trust for the town; The Feoffees today exist in their modern form as trustees of the charities which enable them to continue the same work as was initiated in 1633, the improvement and development of Tetbury and its people. They are responsible for maintaining and managing various areas of land and buildings within Tetbury eg the Market House, Chipping Steps, Chipping carpark, Preston Park and Berkeley Wood; as well as supporting the community and individuals through the provision of various grants.
EmailWebsite'Flare' is a Safer Gloucestershire app, created for women and girls, to anonymously share their experiences of how and where they’ve felt unsafe. The app helps local agencies understand how and where you feel unsafe and take action. It’s anonymous, quick, free to use and can connect you to support and advice in Gloucestershire..
EmailWebsiteEvery 3rd Tuesday of the month commencing 17th May 2022 11.00am - 12.00pm Our forget-me-not café has been set up to mark Dementia Action Week, and is an informal and friendly social environment for those living with dementia, and their carers, to come together each month for support, entertainment and stimulation. To book your place or to find out more, contact Libby Miles on 01666 336622 or at
01666336600EmailWebsiteA county wide service to reduce levels of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families. Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247
01452 726 570EmailWebsiteUnits for girls aged 4 – 18 various days of the week during term time
07961 116678EmailWebsiteSupport for young carers who are taking on responsibilities for an ill or disabled family member using a "whole family" approach
01452 733060EmailWebsiteProvides information for young people on healthy relationship sand how to identify signs of potential abuse, information on stalking as a form of abuse, online Domestic abuse guide
07538 575229EmailWebsiteProvides support for families with young children, particularly struggling with issues such as post-natal depression, isolation, bereavement & health problems
01285 885391EmailWebsiteHelpline for men suffering domestic violence or abuse Our national helpline is open weekdays (10am to 4pm)
01823 334244EmailWebsiteChampions Men's Sheds around the country, to reduce loneliness and isolation for men
0300 772 9626EmailWebsiteProvides advice and support to people experiencing mental health problems
0300 123 3393EmailWebsiteHelpline for those who are worried about a child suffering abuse. Children themselves should use Childline (above)
0808 800 5000EmailWebsiteConfidential, trained counsellors available 9.30am - 9.30pm.
0300 100 0212 or go online for webchatEmailWebsiteA freephone helpline for victims of domestic abuse. Produced in partnership with Women's Aid & Refuge, so is the helpline for those 2 charities too
0808 2000 247EmailWebsitePeople for you is a local free volunteer befriending service. We will put you in touch with a local befriending volunteer who will give you a call. No one needs to feel alone and isolated, People For You is here to help- all in complete confidence.
07810630167EmailWebsiteProvides services to women and children who are victims of domestic abuse
0808 2000 247EmailWebsiteOffers free advice for refugees and asylum seekers. Freephone signposting service for people seeking asylum and refugees. Our opening hours are 9.30am to 12.30pm on Mondays and Thursdays.
08081967272EmailWebsiteConnects refugees and asylum seekers with people with a spare room and willing to host them. Currently our phone line (Open 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday) is for guest enquiries only. For all other enquiries, please read through our FAQs and if you have questions which we haven’t answered.
0300 365 4724EmailWebsiteProvides relationship support to strengthen relationships, including counselling & therapy
01179 428 444EmailWebsiteAlcohol and drug support groups run within the Swindon based 'Lifehouses' as well as having 1 residential rehab centre for those with severe dependencies. Emergency support for extremely vulnerable with clothing, limited food and energy top ups.
01285 643596 or 0755 1567476EmailWebsiteMeet at Ilsom House, London Road, Tetbury by arrangement when necessary
01666 503 574EmailWebsiteProvides advice and support for those living with (or supporting those with) a disability
0808 800 3333EmailWebsiteReport concerns about a child- 01452 426 565 Report concerns about an adult 01452 426868
01285 881000EmailWebsiteA comprehensive guide to local and national services that provide counselling and treatment - England only
0300 123 6600EmailWebsiteFounded in 1987 by a group of local residents concerned that the footpaths around the town were not being walked regularly and some were at risk of being lost forever. We have a walk every Tuesday from April to October each year. Please check out website for more information.
07810 658500EmailWebsiteMeet first Wednesday of most months (not July, August, January) 7.30pm – 9.30pm Alternate Contact: Michael Kingham Tel: 01666 502909
01666 503926EmailWebsiteBowling April – September times vary according to fixtures More generally, lawn bowls is one of those sports that anybody can do and provides a host of health and wellbeing benefits. • Increases physical activity and mobility gently • Improves balance and hand eye coordination • Enhances mental wellbeing, confidence, self-esteem • Develops strategic thinking • Opportunities to volunteer, get involved, social or competitive play and club events minimises loneliness and social isolation • Builds stronger community
07414274375EmailWebsiteFrom 23rd April to 5th September 2022 (eg Summer Season) Where: The Recreation Ground Saturday mornings - 10-11 Youth Training (U9 mixed, U11 boys, U13 boys, U11 girls, U13 girls) Saturday afternoon - 1st , 2nd & 3rd XI games (1pm - 8pm) Tuesday evenings - 6-7.30 Adults Training Friday evenings - 6.30-8 ladies training Games throughout weekday evenings from youth, vets and ladies
07780078938EmailWebsiteWe offer an annual season of 9 films shown between September and April at the Dolphins Hall. Details for 2015/16 will be listed in August.
01666 505 723EmailWebsiteTetbury Goods Shed is a regional centre of arts excellence as well as a place where everyone can have a good time. Afternoon Tea Concerts 2-4pm
01666 505496EmailWebsiteMonday – Friday, 09.00 to 15.00 hrs Call Tetbury Town Council: 01666 504670 - Saturday, 10.00 to 14.00 hrs Call Tetbury Visitor Information Centre: 01666 503552
01666 503552EmailWebsiteTetbury Theatre Group, organizes a trip to a theatre or other entertainment once a month. Coach picks up at The Chipping
01666 503 187EmailWebsiteDuring COVID there are Zoom courses for Ready Steady Baby for mums, dads and partners in the second half of pregnancy, Ready Steady Baby's Here and New Baby New Life.
01285 380038EmailWebsiteSupports adults with learning disabilities and complex health needs
01422 330938EmailWebsiteAs a trusted student bills company we don’t just do energy bills; we save the environment. All your student utility bills in one. Shared equally with everyone. While saving the planet one-by-one.
0333 123 3330EmailWebsiteThe University of the Third Age (U3A) is a welcoming and stimulating self-help organisation, operating at local, regional and national levels, for older people – or ‘third-agers’ There is over 40 groups ranging from Art Appreciation to Curry Club and Short Walks to Learning Spanish.
EmailWebsiteSupports people with convictions/criminal records The Helpline is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
01634 247350EmailWebsiteProvides services to women and children who are victims of domestic abuse
0808 2000 247EmailWebsiteHelps young people with accommodation, family services, health & wellbeing activities, training & education, and support & advice
020 7186 9500EmailWebsiteFor over 65s- transport when discharged from hospital plus up to 4 week of support at home eg shopping
07525 903 393EmailWebsiteProviding cancer support because cancer can affect your life in so many ways, we do whatever it takes to give people the support they need. Telephone lines open everyday 8am-8pm
0808 808 00 00EmailWebsiteMonday – Friday, occasional Saturdays Outpatient Clinics 08.30 – 18.00 Minor Injuires Unit 08.30 – 16.30 (last walk in at 16.00)
01666 502 336EmailWebsiteThe Herbert Protocol is a national scheme used by police forces and emergency services across the UK to support people living with dementia who might be at risk of becoming lost or reported as missing. The scheme enables carers, family and friends to compile a detailed profile containing important information about the individual that should they go missing, can be quickly provided to the police to help in their search and rescue operations.
01908 951045EmailWebsiteTo report a faulty street light and Highway issues.
08000 514 514EmailWebsiteGloucestershire County Council Highways Department
08000 514 514EmailWebsiteGloucestershire County Council Highways Department To report a faulty Street light:
08000 514 514EmailWebsiteOpening times Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturdays 9:00-2:00 (Last Post collection 12:30)
01666502350EmailWebsiteTo book the Town Crier for your local event please call Tetbury Town Council