Councillors make policy and take key decisions on the Council’s budget, priorities, and how the Council should be run.
I have lived in Tetbury for 23 years having visited previously over the last 40 years.
My experience as the owner of a Care Home in Wiltshire enables me to have broad understanding of the issues effecting both young and old.
My aim is to work towards a better environment for the people of Tetbury and maintain our historic heritage.
I have lived in Tetbury with my wife , Mandy, and six children, who have all now, mostly, flown the nest, since2007. I run a small independent software consultancy business that employs people locally and I try to use local shops and facilities to encourage local business and groups.
Since arriving in town I have tried to be an active part of the community. Currently I am a trustee of Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust and the chair of trustees of the Dolphins Recreation Centre.
When I have time I am a member of the Tetbury Dolphins Running Club and The Dolphins Amateur Dramatics Society.
As a new member of the Finance and Scrutiny committee I intend to ensure that the money that the council is entrusted with is spent wisely and efficiently to bring the maximum benefit possible to the town.
Originally from Manchester, my career took me to many places around the world. Having decided to take early retirement, Tetbury turned out to be the perfect place, situated in the green heart of the Cotswolds and equidistant between Bath and Cheltenham, where my wonderful Daughters live with their families. I am an active governor at SWR, a member of the Royal Voluntary Service and proud to be part of the Tetbury Community Fridge Team.
Giving my time,effort and energy to serve the community is both personally fulfilling and,will hopefully benefit the citizens of Tetbury.
I have lived in Tetbury now since 1990, have worked in the town and surrounding area since 1997 and am proud to have been elected to serve our community.
I believe that the Health & Wellbeing of our residents of all ages should be at the core of the work that we do. I ama member of the Town Council Health, Wellbeing and Youth Committee and I'm also a member of the Climate Strategy working group.
I am married to my husband Simon and our two grown up children attended The Ferns Playgroup, St Mary’s Primary School and Sir William Romney’s.
I am proud to have been elected as a member of The Thirteen of Tetbury and I am also a Trustee of the Tetbury Welfare Charities.
Over the years I have been actively involved in many organisations in the town including, Governor at St Mary’s Primary School. Chairman of The Friends of Tetbury Hospital, St Mary’s Church, Tetbury Summer Show and Tetbury Brownies.
After bringing up our family in such a very special town, I want to give something back and will work to make a difference for us all.
I have lived in Tetbury for over 70 years and attended Sir William Romneys School
I am Married with four children and have eight grandchildren.
I have worked locally all my life and now retired but still active in the community.
I enjoy fundraising for local charities and now being a councillor, I can also spend my time making Tetbury a better place.
Since being a Councillor I have taken on several projects such as turning the dilapidated phone box on Northfield Road into a Defibrillator Hub.
I look forward to more opportunities to better Tetbury Town
I have lived in Tetbury for over 35 years but by family have been here many more. I went to St Mary’s Primary School and Sir William Romney’s School. I have two young children, one at Sir William Romney’s School and one has recently started college. I work for my family’s business GLC & R Williams.
I have been helping with a local children’s group for many years and I am hoping to help a lot more in the future. I am chair of Health, Wellbeing and Youth committee and the Heritage & Regeneration committee.
My aim is to help wherever I can with the youth in the town to give them what I had as a child growing in Tetbury, such great memories.
I have lived in Tetbury for 64 years attended St Mary’s School and Sir William Romney’s, member of Tetbury cubs and scouts, played sports for the town.
Studied engineering at Stroud college, I became Works Director of a local firm and I am currently running a family business in plumbing and electrical.
I have 5 children who all attended all Tetbury schools and attend organisations within the town. I am looking to make a difference for the town and surrounding area.
I have been a Councillor for over nine years; this is the fourth Council I have served on.
As mayor I sought to build stronger relationships with the community to ensure that Tetbury gets the services and facilities it deserves, for the benefit of the whole community. I lobbied Cotswold District Council to grant planning permission for the new purpose-built doctors’ surgery and affordable houses for Tetbury residents. I also worked with the Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils to improve working practices.
As a proactive member of the Finance and Scrutiny committee, I work hard to bring greater accountability, rigour and visibility to the Town Council’s spending plans to ensure that taxpayers’ money is spent wisely and in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Since moving to Tetbury over 27 years ago I have taken an active role in ‘Tetbury life’. I was a member of the marvellous Tetbury in Bloom team for many years; I am Chair of the Tetbury Film Society; and I regularly attend events in support of the town’s many groups and societies.
I am now in my second term as a Tetbury Town Councillor. I am chair of the Planning Committee and vice chair of the Scrutiny and Finance Committee. I also chair the Climate Strategy Working Group and Car Parking Working Group. The working groups give a valuable opportunity to gain the views of local residents to inform my work on the council.
As well as being a town councillor, I am also a member of the Tetbury and District u3a (university of the third age). I lead short walks for u3a members twice a month.
I have lived in Tetbury nearly all my life after my parents moved here in the early 1970’s from Rochdale. I went to school at St Mary’s Primary and Sir William Romneys as did my partner Paul and both our children. My working background is in hospitality and tourism which has taken me into a variety of roles over my career, my most rewarding role being a lecturer at Cirencester College for 12 years.
I am now in the position where I am able to give the time required for the role of councillor and I currently am sitting on the Heritage and Regeneration and Health and Well-being committees. My aim is to make positive links with the community and help provide the town with the services and facilities that are needed and deserved.
'I am a Governor at Sir William Romney’s School where my main role is with Careers, Personal Development and Wellness".
My name is Kevin Painter, and I am now the longest serving Cllr on Tetbury Town Council (how did that Happen!) I have been fortunate that my family has lived here for many generations and that I had the privilege to grow up here. I was also blessed with having a marvelous loving family and a fantastic childhood at home and at school, and I want future generations to have that opportunity, that is why I became a Councilor to serve and protect our people and our Town.
I have the experience of having successfully navigated many complex challenges in the past by being Deputy Mayor, the Chair of Heritage and Regeneration, St. Mary’s School as a foundation governor, assisting in setting up the local Tenants Association.
Currently I am the lead in the new regenerated Chamber for Tetbury businesses, the Accessibility group, with my Colleague Peter Leech, I am also a member of the local parochial Church council, the admin of experience Tetbury face book page and founder of the 451 Initiative. This is an ambassadorial and educational role for the comic genre, intended to raise awareness of the impact comics can have on literacy and creativity. By having workshops exhibition and of course fabulous Comic-Con at our Goods Shed Arts Centre (now in its third year and getting bigger) And it’s an amazing medium if anyone has challenges such as dyslexia (which I have) or any other neuro diverse condition as it levels the playing field for all readers.
I have also developed a deep respect and understanding of our Townsfolk, by being the Tetbury correspondent for the local newspaper (the Wilts & Glos Standard) and author of the Tetbury Talk page, which every week reminds us of the amazing things that our people do.
I am lucky that I am accessible to many and very proud to be giving people a voice who feel they have none, and I remain committed to the future of Tetbury and faithful to its past.
I had the wonderful fulfilling joy of getting married this year (May 2024) in our beautiful Church to my beautiful wife (thank you Cornelia for saying I will!) and yes I am proud of my Wife, my family and my Town. I have often said 'To live in Tetbury is to win the lottery of life!' And I want to make sure we can all share in that now, and future generations.
This will be my 2nd term as a Councillor onTTC. I look forward to Working with like minded fellow Councillors and the Officers who are vital to an efficient council
I moved from East Sussex in 2007 to be nearer to family having worked in Local Government as Election Manager I also have a background in brewing.
On my arrival in Tetbury I joined the WI which is an excellent way to make friends and friendships and served on the committee for 8 years I have been on the management committee of the Dolphins Recreation Centre for 12 years and I am one of the Project team for the new build I am also on the committee of the Tetbury Film Society and act as the booking secretary
If I can be of any assistance to anyone please contact me I will try to help and / or find the answers
I am a relative newbie to wonderful Tetbury and arrived in 2017. Before becoming a mum and care giver, I spent 20 years working in the film industry at Twentieth Century Fox, where I was a Marketing and Publicity director. In London I initiated and worked on a local community campaign to save a local park during a period of significant cuts. Through smart community led initiatives we saved a vital green space which went on to win several Green Flag awards. A career change brought me to cookery. My great passion for Brazilian coffee and food flavours led me to open a work space cafe in Tetbury in 2020 called Llamas In Pyjamas which I loved and which employed and gave training to Tetburys young people. Meeting and getting to know you all this way was joyful.
I am married to Alexandre originally from Brazil and clear influence on my coffee taste! He runs a business locally and we have a 12 year old son. Both are passionate local sports fans, football coach, player and local teams supporters.
Thank you for electing me to the council in February. I am still learning the ropes but keen to explore financial best value for our hard working tax and rates payers, support Tetburys fantastic independent retailers and preserve its superb, attractive, creative and unique high street —more generally contributing in any way I can to strengthening this lovely community of which we are proud to be a part.
As a dedicated Tetbury Councillor, I bring a wealth of experience and passion to my new role, having lived in this vibrant community for 15 years with my husband. Originally from the Philippines, my background as a nurse has profoundly shaped my commitment to public service and healthcare. I currently run a local nursing home, where I focus on providing exceptional elderly and dementia care, a cause close to my heart.
Joining the council in February 2024 has been an enriching journey, allowing me to learn and grow while taking on new responsibilities. I am proud to be an active member of the Health, Wellbeing & Youth working group and to serve on the Health, Wellbeing & Youth Committee, Heritage & Regeneration Committee, and Planning Committee. These roles enable me to contribute meaningfully to the community.
My desire to help people and give back drives my work as a Councillor. I am dedicated to advocating for the needs of our town's residents, ensuring that Tetbury remains a thriving, supportive place for everyone. I look forward to continuing my service and working collaboratively with my fellow Councillors as well as all of you.
I was first elected to Tetbury Town Council in April 2023. Following an eighteen month break from the council I was co-opted back onto the council in February 2025.
After a long and sometimes hazardous career in the offshore IT Oil & Gas sector based in Surrey I moved to Tetbury in 2018 when I met and married my former girlfriend from the 1980’s, Susan. I have one grown up son who splits his time between here and London.
I volunteer in the community including as a governor for our excellent secondary school, Sir William Romney. I am fortunate to have lots of spare time which I can devote to projects to help others. I am very much looking forward to resuming my role and working with my colleagues and staff to support existing, and provide additional, services to the constituents of this lovely town.